Full moon rituals for yogis

Hi fellow yogi! Whether you’re a yoga teacher or practitioner, the full moon offers us a natural reminder to take stock once a month with it’s powerful energy. If you are looking to create your own full moon ritual, here are some ideas you can take, leave or make your own.
Full moon yoga practice
Slow flow yoga
If you fancy a flow, a few rounds of Moon Salutations (Chandra Namaskar) is a perfect full moon practice. This sequence of poses reflects the cycle of the moon with a grounding sequence that guides you across the length of your mat and back to where you started.
I have a variation of a moon salutation in my Full Moon Slow Flow class here (FREE).
Yin Yoga
The full moon is a time of more energy than the new moon, try including some more active poses and hip openers like dangling, baby dragon and butterfly.
Journaling & reflection
The moon cycles offer us a great reminder to tune inwards. On the full moon, take some time to reflect on the past 2 weeks, ask yourself:
- What lessons have I learned / challenges have I overcome?
- What steps have I taken towards my new moon intentions/
- What is currently holding me back?
Let go of anything that’s no longer serving you - no need to take extra baggage into the next stage of the lunar cycle, anything that’s holding you back from the intentions you set has gotta go!
Cleanse and charge your crystals
The energy of the full moon is believed to be potent and cleansing, making it an ideal time to recharge your crystals and reset their vibrations.
To cleanse and recharge your crystals, simply place them outside under the full moonlight for several hours or overnight. I like to spread mine out on a tray and pop them out in the garden (as long as it's dry!). If it's raining, a windowsill is a great alternative.
Moon bathing meditation
If you’re a yogi you probably already have a pretty solid meditation practice of some description but how about combining a bit of moon bathing with meditation… Sound good?
Find a quiet place to sit under the moonlight, wrapped in blankets if needed, and let the energy support your meditation practice. Guided visualisations designed for the full moon are a great place to start for a guided practice or simply focus in on your breath and see what comes up.
If you prefer a guided meditation, download my Full Moon Meditation (FREE).
Try incorporating one or more of these rituals into your next full moon practice, or make up your own and let me know how you get on!
Whatever you feel guided to do is right - your soul ALWAYS knows the way.
Happy Full Moon! 🌕✨
Want to flow with the natural rhythms of the seasons, the moon, your own cycle? Come and join us over in the Bye Bye Burnout Club (doors open seasonally).
Bye Bye Burnout Club
Join our kula! This heart-led community is for all yoginis, healers, mamas and caregivers who give so much to everyone else that they forget to care for the,selves.