Shop small for Winter Wellness

Once you become self employed, a small business of one, you become so much more appreciative of small businesses. There is so much love, passion and purpose behind every small business. It’s not an easy ride so you know that the people behind these small bands really do care deeply (I can say with certainty that otherwise they wouldn’t bother!!).
Every seasonal workshop I offer is carefully curated, supporting small and local businesses wherever I can - from the catering and refreshments to the decorations and gift bags. Since it’s the season of giving, I wanted to share with you some of the small businesses who featured on my most recent Winter Wellness Retreat Day.
Ceremonial Chinese teas
These are beautiful whole leaf teas, carefully sourced by Attic Teas with a focus on their sacred rituals and energetics as well as their physical health benefits.
Each tea is associated with a season and an element as it related to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) so blend perfectly with a yin yoga practice.
In our Winter Wellness day we used the white tea in our ceremony, it is associated with Autumn and since we were still in Autumn at the time of the event it brought a wonderful opportunity to mindfully connect to the energy of the white tea and consider what we needed to let go of before moving into winter.
Use this code for a 10% discount: LOVETEA10
Adaptogenic Teas
My favourite blends by Tea & Tonic were included in the gift bags and at tea breaks. Produced by a company local to where I used to live in Surrey, UK, they are wonderful blends with added health benefits.
English Breakfast Bright Awakening Tea
Believe me, I am not very yogi until I’ve had my cup of tea first thing in the morning and this is my go to. I’ve always eben a tea snob and favoured an english breakfast blend but this one adds the benefits of the adaptogenics, including Ayurevedic superherb ashwagandha, helping to balance stress & support a healthy immune system.
Golden Milk Inviting Sleep Tea
This makes the most delicious but subtle golden milk to drink before bed. I do love a pungent golden milk from powdered blends but find it too stimulating to drink before bed, I don’t know if it’s the black pepper or super trong tumeric and ginger but they are a lovely treat but not a daiuly ritual for me. This on the other hand s my nighttime ritual.
I brew for about 5 minutes then add a splash of organic milk or oat milk and a dash of maple syrup or coconut sugar if I want to sweeten it (it doesn’t really need it).
We didn’t share cacao this time but we did talk about it so I wanted to share my favourite ceremonial cacao. You don’t need to save this for ceremony but let it become a mindful ritual every time you drink it.
Daisy sources everything so mindfully, really connecting with the energy and sacredness and buying directly to cut out any unethical middle men.
Adaptogenic Coffee
London Nootropics adaptogenic coffee blends are designed to help you stay balanced, find your flow and have the most productive day. They give you all the benefits of regular coffee whilst minimising side-effects such as jitters, anxiety and a crash, harnessing the benefits of functional mushrooms and adaptogenic herbs.
Lovingly made with the highest-quality medicinal mushroom extracts and other adaptogens, each blend is designed for a specific purpose.
- Flow for mental clarity and focus (this is my go-to for a busy day where I need my brain to be sharp and banish the peri-menopausal brain fog!)
- Zen to alleviate stress & anxiety (contains Ashwagandha & CBD, perfect for some calming energy before a yoga class)
- Mojo for a natural boost!
Healing Crystals
It’s no secret that I love crystals, you’ll find them in my bag, around my neck, on my yoga mat and definitely at all my workshops and retreats! So if you’re looking for support in a particular area I am always happy to help advise and source for you.
The crystals we connected with on the day were:
- Amethyst - An all round healer that is perfect for energy work (like reiki) and meditation but also a calming stone, ofetmn used to help calm and soothe anxiety.
- Clear Quartz - An amplifier and a cleansing crystal. Used for amplifying the healing qualities of other crystals and
- Rose Quartz - A really gentle energy, this is the crystal associated with the heart, love and compassion. Think loving vibes, particularly around cultivating self love and compassion.
Whether you are looking to buy locally or online, drop me a line and I can source for you or come and visit me or Beth at Lavender Moon in Poole for a gorgeous selection, perfect for gifting.
Bye Bye Burnout Club
Join our kula! This heart-led community is for all yoginis, healers, mamas and caregivers who give so much to everyone else that they forget to care for the,selves.